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This thread is for discussions on balance changes for the A&S mod.

Re: Ash & Shadows mod Balance discussion Thread Message par Spectrenz ยป Mar 19 Avr 2016 15:08 BLufor SEAD comes with a premium price tag and low availability, since, once they have control of the skies is generally game over. Let's me show you around the Ash & Shadows US armory. There sure are a LOT of new units to work with. Ash & Shadows mod here: https://forums.eu.

Balance change arguments can be made from;
Wargame red dragon steamArmory/hidden file mechanic theory and number presentationsShadows
Performance analysis from replays
Both have their strengths and weaknesses. The Weakness of #2 is that results are dependent on player skill levels and tactics orShadows in the case of single unit matchups, it represents of individual units in a vacuum and does not account for higher levels effects that may occur on a complex field. The weakness of #1 is unit statistics alone to not give a perfect account of the capabilities of a unit under all conditions.
For example: The low autonomy of the Japanese heavy tanks. A problem for mobility on large maps, much less so for games on small maps.
So understand that 'balance' is an imperfect thing that varies with map size, available terrain, coalition composition and so on.
Generally, my preferred approach to issues of balance, ranked sequentially in preferred mechanism of change is;
1) Change cost
2) Change vet levels
3) Change availabilityWargame red dragon ash and shadows uninstall torrent
4) Change individual stats
5) Change weapon loadouts

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And finally, some things are deliberately 'imbalanced'. Example: Poland and Czechoslovakia have, as a general rule, a rather inferior air-force. To balance this, polish and Czech planes tend to get both a cost and an availability/veteran buff to boost their competitiveness.

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Ok. With all that said: Lets discuss units that are over or under-performing.